Start a New Grant Application


The Laffey-McHugh Foundation welcomes funding requests from nonprofit organizations sharing the Foundation’s goal to empower organizations that strive to support individuals to reach their full potential and uplift communities.

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Spring Funding Cycle
Opens: February 15.  Submission Deadline: April 1.
Funds are typically disbursed by the end of June.

Fall Funding Cycle
Opens: August 15.  Submission Deadline: October 1.
Funds are typically disbursed by the end of December.

Applications received after a deadline will not be considered. 

Meetings with Laffey-McHugh staff to discuss applications request should be scheduled as soon as possible. Meetings cannot be guaranteed if they are requested within two weeks of the deadline.  Organizations that have not previously submitted an application must have a meeting with staff prior to the submission deadline for the funding request to be considered.

Please note: Our meeting availability to discuss requests before the Spring 2025 cycle's deadline is now booked. Review 'Grant Request Guidelines' for additional guidance on how to apply.